Senior Exhibition Spring 2023

Digital layout, 2022-23

Client: Yang Family University Art Gallery, Indiana State University

Challenge: Create marketing materials for the senior art exhibition (featuring students graduating with a BFA or BA) using a bright, springy color palette.

Solution: Flowing pastels in green and purple that fuse current design trends with art styles of the 1960s.

Postcard process

The final design has a pastel color palette and rounded forms befitting of spring. I chose HWT Arabesque as the font, inspired by Psychedelic lettering.

Green and purple postcards that say "BFA BA" on a table with other postcards.

Postcards in the wild.

Poster process

A poster for the BFA BA Senior Exhibition. The bottom third of the poster has information in black lettering on a white background. The top two thirds of the poster has BFA BA written in six blocks of pastel colors.

The first draft of the poster had a Pop Art-inspired six-design format.

A poster for the BFA BA Senior Exhibition. The bottom third of the poster has information in black lettering on a white background, now in a different font. The top two thirds of the poster has BFA BA written in six blocks of pastel colors.

The design was changed because the previous iteration felt “too much like children’s blocks.”

A poster for the BFA BA Senior Exhibition. The bottom two thirds of the poster has information in black text on a white background. The top third of the poster says "BFA BA" in large, wavy purple lettering on a green background.

I felt geometric letterforms worked best with the design.

A poster for the BFA BA Senior Exhibition. The bottom two thirds of the poster has information in black text on a white, green, and purple background. The top third of the poster says "BFA BA" in large, wavy purple lettering on a green background.

The final poster incorporates non-objective shapes in the bottom right corner to balance out the “BFA BA.”

Vinyl process

A design for a movable wall that says BFA BA in purple lettering against a green and white background. The dates, students' names, and exhibition information are in the bottom right corner.

The gallery director designed this preliminary draft and asked me to clean it up.

A design for a movable wall that says BFA BA in purple lettering against a green and white background. The dates, students' names, and exhibition information are across the center.

While technically fine, this layout was a bit boring.

A design for a movable wall that says BFA BA in purple lettering against a green and white background. The exhibition information is in the bottom left corner in black, while the dates and students' names go down the right side in purple.

Final design, 8 by 8 feet.

A movable wall in an art gallery. It says BFA BA in purple text on a green and white background. It has a list of names, the exhibition dates, and the exhibition description.

The printed vinyl in the art gallery.

Caroline and her brother standing in front of a moveable wall that says BFA BA.

The vinyl turned out to be a popular photo spot.


Porsche 911